qiibee x Vivaldi: Is Brand Loyalty Dead?
Our latest webinar with Vivaldi, which is taking place on the 22nd of June, from 5:00 – 6:00 PM (CEST), will explore brand loyalty and ultimately asks the pertinent question, “Is Brand Loyalty Dead?” and How do we reshape consumer relationships to drive growth in the post-COVID era?
To give a little context on Vivaldi, they are a strategy-first, customer-first, and digital-first growth firm. That helps brands connect with their customers and build better businesses. By digging deep into consumer habits, behaviors, and feelings, Vivaldi delivers campaigns, products, services, and experiences that win.
Together with this awesome line of speakers from American Express, R/GA, Current, Vivaldi, and of course our very own CEO, Gabriele Giancola. We hope to tackle some of the prevalent topics in the industry currently, to provide you with some food for thought. Tune in below to find out even more about the speakers and topics.
About the Webinar
The LinkedIn live roundtable will be focusing on the concepts of branding and loyalty: How can brands rethink their relationship with consumers to drive growth in the post-COVID era? What have we learned in the past year? How do we apply these new learnings to our future decision-making? As well as other topics such as:
- The impact of COVID-19 on value creation, branding, and loyalty
- How to activate the new consumer contract that’s emerging in an intimate and meaningful way, while boosting sales
- Digitization and the role of exponential technologies in shaping loyalty and value creation
Joining us will be senior executives from the aforementioned brands such as American Express, Current, R/GA, Vivaldi, and qiibee, with David Zax, Engagement Manager at Vivaldi, as the event host and conductor. See the extended list of panelists below:
- Gabriele Giancola, CEO, qiibee
- Jesse Scott of American Express,
- Zoha Zoya of R/GA.
- Adam Hadi, VP of Marketing, Current
- Lee Powney, Senior Partner, Vivaldi
🚀 SIGN UP FOR FREE: https://www.linkedin.com/events/isbrandloyaltydead6808757032460546048/ 🚀
qiibee: Access world-class brands your customers love.
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